Mankind - Men as Carers
Four in ten male carers said that they never had a break from their caring role...
It’s important to self-care and be kind to yourself when you’re in a caring role, whether you’re male or female.
More than four in ten (42%) of the UK’s unpaid carers are male. If this includes you, we want to let you know you’re not alone.
Between 20 – 24 March 2023 we ran our Mankind March campaign on our digital channels. We wanted male carers to know we’re here to help.
Whether you’re a son, brother, dad, husband or friend, if you are a male carer there is support available to you.
How we can help
We provide a wide variety of flexible support services, from short break opportunities to a carer respite scheme.
About male carers
More than one in four male carers in employment would not describe or acknowledge themselves as a carer to others, meaning they may not get the support they need at work.
Over half of the male carers (53%) surveyed felt that the needs of male carers were different to those of female carers, many citing that men find it harder to ask for help.
56% of male carers aged 18-64 said being a carer had a negative impact on their mental health and 55% said that their health was “fair or poor”.
Thank you!
With your support, we can make sure male carers in Essex know support is available. Thank you!
Sources and further reading
Carers Trust
Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer? A survey of the experiences and needs of male carers
Men's Health Forum
Carer's Resource
Men Care Too project
Action for Family Carers